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  • Competitive Pricing:

    Access top-quality products at the best prices online and we do the research for you so that you don't have to.

  • Time-Saving Assistance:

    Qualified business customers receive a dedicated account manager (concierge) to provide purchasing assistance.

  • Transparent Shipping:

    You only pay what we pay to ship something. We don't mark up shipping to make a profit Avoid extra hidden costs.

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Ready to Transform Your Hotel Supply Shopping Experience?

📱Schedule Us A Call!

Get the Answers You Need to Make an Informed Decision

How much does the Concierge Shopping Service cost?

There is no cost to you for our Concierge Shopping Service.

Technology has made it possible us to provide expertly researched products and pricing available without it costing you anything!

Can I still purchase items online if I use the Concierge Shopping Service?

Absolutely! Our Concierge Shopping Service is designed to complement your purchasing process.

Whether working with our service or not, you can continue to buy products through our user-friendly online platform while also enjoying the benefits of our personalized service.

How does Hotel Supplies Delivered ensure competitive pricing on products?

We leverage our industry expertise and strong supplier relationships to negotiate the best deals on your behalf.

This ensures that you receive top-quality products at the most competitive prices without having to spend time researching and comparing suppliers yourself.

What if I'm not satisfied with the products or services provided by Hotel Supplies Delivered?

Your satisfaction is our top priority. If you are unhappy with any aspect of our products or services, please reach out to our U.S.-based customer support team.

We will work diligently to address your concerns and find a suitable solution to ensure your complete satisfaction.

What if I need assistance with installation or servicing of the equipment I purchase?

We understand that proper installation and servicing are crucial for maintaining your hotel's operations.

If needed, we can help connect you with local professionals to assist with installation or servicing of the equipment you purchase through us.

What's in it for us?

We want long-term relationships with business owners who do recurring business with us.

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